jeudi 26 octobre 2017

Instantiate class by passing required parameter depending on which environment you are in

I have a below enum class which has few fields in it stagePoolSize, prodPoolSize and enabled.

  public enum Type {
    process_caty(5, 8, false), process_misc1(5, 8, false), link_entry(5, 12, true);
    private final int stagePoolSize;
    private final int prodPoolSize;
    private final boolean enabled;

    private Type(int stagePoolSize, int prodPoolSize, boolean enabled) {
      this.stagePoolSize = stagePoolSize;
      this.prodPoolSize = prodPoolSize;
      this.enabled = enabled;

    public int getStagePoolSize() {
      return stagePoolSize;

    public int getProdPoolSize() {
      return prodPoolSize;

    public boolean isEnabled() {
      return enabled;

    public String toString() {
      return name() + "=" + stagePoolSize + "=" + prodPoolSize + "=" + enabled;

And this is how I am using above enum to initialize my Handler class.

  private final List<Handler> handlers = new ArrayList<>();

  public void postInit() {
    String datacenter = Utils.getDatacenter();

    for (Type consType : Type.values()) {
      if (!consType.isEnabled()) {
      int poolSize = Utils.isProd() ? consType.getProdPoolSize() : consType.getStagePoolSize();
      handlers.add(new Handler(consType, poolSize));

If any of the enum is enabled, then depending on which environment (whether Prod or Stage) we are in by checking with this call Utils.isProd(), we get it's poolSize and then use that poolSize to initialize Handler class.

Problem Statement:

Now I need to add few more enums in the same Type class but I need to do something different for them. Below are the enums I need to add:


Here is what we need to do for above new enums:

  • It should only be used if the environment is Prod. And they will have some prodPool size value.
  • And also if we are in pho datanceter, then we should use enums that ends with pho. And if we are in slq datacenter then we should use enums that ends with slq. Similarly for lvk.

I can figure out which datacenter we are in by calling this method:

    String datacenter = Utils.getDatacenter();

Now how should I design my Type enum class so that my original enum works as it is which is already there and also my new enum with datacenter in the end works with the above conditions. So below is the requirement overall:

  • process_caty should be use both for Stage and Prod and it should use poolSize accordingly depending on what environment it is in.
  • process_misc1 should be use both for Stage and Prod and it should use poolSize accordingly depending on what environment it is in.
  • link_entry should be use both for Stage and Prod and it should use poolSize accordingly depending on what environment it is in.
  • abc_raw_pho should be use for Prod only but depending on which datacenter we are in and it should use poolSize for Prod only.
  • abc_raw_slq should be use for Prod only but depending on which datacenter we are in and it should use poolSize for Prod only.
  • abc_raw_lvk should be use for Prod only but depending on which datacenter we are in and it should use poolSize for Prod only.
  • abc_raw_pin_pho should be for Prod only but depending on which datacenter we are in and it should use poolSize for Prod only.
  • abc_raw_pin_slq should be for Prod only but depending on which datacenter we are in and it should use poolSize for Prod only.
  • abc_raw_pin_lvk should be for Prod only but depending on which datacenter we are in and it should use poolSize for Prod only.

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