mardi 1 novembre 2016

What is the difference between Builder and Facade Pattern in C#?

In Builder Pattern, We implement all the methods defined in the Interface and then we make calls to the methods in a order to get result/product class

 class Director
        public void Construct(IBuilder builder)

    interface IBuilder
        void BuildPartA();
        void BuildPartB();
        void GetResult();

    class Builder1 : IBuilder
        List<string> product = new List<string>();
        public void BuildPartA()
            product.Add("PartA ");

        public void BuildPartB()
            product.Add("PartB ");

        public void GetResult()
            foreach (var p in product)
                Console.WriteLine("the product created is :" + p);

    class Builder2 : IBuilder
        List<string> product = new List<string>();
        public void BuildPartA()
            product.Add("PartX ");

        public void BuildPartB()
            product.Add("PartY ");

        public void GetResult()
            foreach (var p in product)
                Console.WriteLine("the product created is :" + p);

    class Product
        List<string> parts = new List<string>();
        public void Add(string part)

        public void Display()
            Console.WriteLine("\nProduct Parts -------");
            foreach (string part in parts)

    public class Client

        public static void Main()
            // Create one director and two builders
            Director director = new Director();

            IBuilder b1 = new Builder1();
            IBuilder b2 = new Builder2();

            // Construct two products
            Product p1 = b1.GetResult();

            Product p2 = b2.GetResult();


In the Facade Pattern we Abstract all the methods implementation to the client and simply the steps to the user

 internal class SubsystemA
        internal string A1()
            return "Subsystem A, Method A1\n";
        internal string A2()
            return "Subsystem A, Method A2\n";
    internal class SubsystemB
        internal string B1()
            return "Subsystem B, Method B1\n";
    internal class SubsystemC
        internal string C1()
            return "Subsystem C, Method C1\n";
    public static class Facade
        static SubsystemA a = new SubsystemA();
        static SubsystemB b = new SubsystemB();
        static SubsystemC c = new SubsystemC();
        public static void Operation1()
            Console.WriteLine("Operation 1\n" +
            a.A1() +
            a.A2() +
        public static void Operation2()
            Console.WriteLine("Operation 2\n" +
            b.B1() +
    class Client
        static void Main()

In both the patterns we call a series of methods and create a result out of it. The only difference in the Builder Pattern is that it returns the product object of a class apart from that is there any other difference between Facade and Builder Pattern

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