lundi 28 novembre 2016

Want to enforce specific order of methods execution of a class, when this class is used. Does exist a design pattern for this?

I have a class that represents a process

internal class IntegrationWithSalesforce
    public IntegrationWithSalesforce()
    { // Initialize internal variables }

    public bool GetListOfCustomersToImport() { ... }
    public bool CreateSalesforceJob() { ... }
    public bool CreateJobBatches() { ... }
    public bool CloseSalesforceJob() { ... }    
    public void UpdateBatchesProcessingInfo() { ... }
    public bool AbortJob() { ... }

methods should be execute in specific order until you invoke CloseSalesforceJob.

I want to enforce this order of execution: 1- class initialization 2- call GetListOfCustomersToImport if true 3- call CreateSalesforceJob if true 4- call CreateJobBatches if true 5- call CloseSalesforceJob 6- then keeps calling UpdateBatchesProcessingInfo until all batches states have value Completed ,Failed

My first idea is have boolean variables that represent state(or execution ) and set the one related with method to true when method is called, or throw custom Exception ProcessOrderExecutionException if method is not the next in order.

For example:

// add this variable to my class
bool processInitialized = false;
bool customerSumaryListRetrieved = false;
bool salesforceJobSuccessfullyCreated = false;
bool salesforceBatchesSuccessfullyCreated = false;

a) method GetListOfCustomersToImport implementation

public bool GetListOfCustomersToImport()
    //at the end
    customerSumaryListRetrieved = true;


b) method CreateSalesforceJob

public bool CreateSalesforceJob()
        throw new ProcessOrderExecutionException();

    //at the end
    // method implementation
    salesforceJobSuccessfullyCreated = true;    

Is there a better way to do this? A design pattern, or a known implementation?

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