mercredi 30 novembre 2016

Composition/Inheritance/Factory - Best Pattern For This Case

Good [your_time_of_day],

Today I have been learning about composition and factory functions in javascript (es6). I understand that composition should be preferred over inheritance and have come to agree with that (at least in javascript). Then, I realised that I have a situation where I should be using composition...

Question first:

Is there a way I can change my complex, inherited structure so classes are composed of functions without having ridiculous numbers of decorators? Have I missed something about composition in general (I feel like I have)?


I have a base class AudioPlayer:

class BaseAudioPlayer {
    public track;
    protected seekBar;

    public togglePlay() {

    public seek(time) {
       //some seek methods using this.seekBar

And a few player classes would extend from this like so:

class MainAudioPlayer extends BasePlayerComponent {
    public loadTrack(track) {
        //This is horrible
        this.track = track;

    public setSeekBar(seekBar) {
        //This is horrible
        this.seekBar = seekBar

Please bare in mind I actually have a lot more methods in parent and child classes and there are many methods in some children that are not in others. Of course, there is no multiple inheritance involved but I see at some point that might become a possibility with multiple alike child players (bad!).

I could use many decorators like @playable() @seekable() etc. but then I see that, eventually, the number of mixins would become huge. I guess I could also use factory functions in a similar manner but see the same problem.

Full disclosure: I am using Angular2 and have cut back the code a lot to keep any discussion about which design pattern to use and not about an implementation in a specific framework.

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