jeudi 16 novembre 2023

Command pattern design in Spring

I have more or less implemented the command pattern in my Spring Boot application. I still have some doubts and would like to get second opinion on them.

I have a CommandFactory which - when given a command code - returns an instance of command object that implements Command functional interface and has a single method called execute.

Here's an example of use:

  • PersonService:
public Person addChildToPerson(Long personId, Long childId) {
    // acquire a person object from the database given an id
    Person person = (Person) commandFactory.create(GET_PERSON_BY_ID, personId).execute();
    // do the same with child
    Child child = (Child) commandFactory.create(GET_CHILD_BY_ID, childId).execute();
    return (Person) commandFactory.create(ADD_CHILD_TO_PERSON, person, child).execute();

Now here's the code of a AddChildToPersonCommand class that is responsible for attaching the child to the person and persisting it in the database.

  • AddChildToPersonCommand:
public class AddChildToPersonCommand implements Command {

     // declare needed components for performing the command
     private final ChildRepository childRepository;
     private final Person person;
     private final Child child;

     public Person execute() {
         // some logic

Now, my doubts are mainly concerned with the "declared components" for the execution of a command. I'm unsure whether it's a better practice to operate on the actual objects that have been already retrieved using other commands (in the example: GetPersonByIdCommand & GetChildByIdCommand) or to just give the AddChildToPersonCommand the IDs and let it take care of the rest.

On the one hand, it seems a better approach to operate on the objects as it decreases the responsibilites of AddChildToPersonCommand.

On the other hand, though, the PersonService's methods may end up really big when the logic to-be-performed is not as trivial as in this example.

What do you think?

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