mardi 13 juin 2023

How to persist past states and action that lead to them in the State pattern using EF Core?

I'm implementing state pattern. The issue with all the available implementation is that they are interested only in the current state, but do not persist any information about the actions performed nor past states. Below we have User class where it changes the state, but there is no way to know what where past states and especially what action caused moving to the particular state.

How to persist information about the actions and past states?

public class User
    private UserState _userState;

    public UserState State
        get => _userState ?? (_userState = UserState.New(StateType, this));
        set => _userState = value;

    public int Id { get; set; }
    public string StateType { get; set; }
    public int NumberOfAttempts { get; set; }
    public string Captcha { get; set; }
    public DateTimeOffset? BlockedUntil { get; set; }

public class UserAttemptsToLogin : UserState
    protected override void OnStart()
        User.NumberOfAttempts = 0;
        User.Captcha = null;

    public override void Login(string password)
        if (password == "test")
            Become(new UserIsAuthorized());
            if (User.NumberOfAttempts > 2)
                Become(new UserInputsCaptcha());

public class UserIsAuthorized : UserState
    public override bool HasAccess => true;

    public override void Logout()
        Become(new UserAttemptsToLogin());

public class UserInputsCaptcha : UserState
    protected override void OnStart()
        User.Captcha = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();

    public override void InputCaptcha(string captcha)
        if (captcha == User.Captcha)
            Become(new UserAttemptsToLogin());
            Become(new UserIsBlocked());

public class UserIsBlocked : UserState
    protected override void OnStart()
        User.BlockedUntil = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow.AddHours(1);

public abstract class UserState
    protected User User { get; private set; }
    public virtual void Login(string password) => throw new InvalidOperationException();
    public virtual void InputCaptcha(string captcha) => throw new InvalidOperationException();
    public virtual void Logout() => throw new InvalidOperationException();
    public virtual bool HasAccess => false;

    protected virtual void OnStart()

    protected void Become(UserState next)
        next.User = User;
        User.StateType = next.GetType().Name;
        User.State = next;

    public static UserState New(string type, User user)
        switch (type)
            case nameof(UserIsAuthorized): return new UserIsAuthorized {User = user};
            case nameof(UserInputsCaptcha): return new UserInputsCaptcha {User = user};
            case nameof(UserIsBlocked): return new UserIsBlocked {User = user};
            default: return new UserAttemptsToLogin {User = user};

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