mardi 13 juin 2023

Are there design patterns for data classes in c? [duplicate]

In those years I've seen and used various "data design pattern", like for example the MVC approach, where the data are stored as private member of Model classes, with getter/setter function to access them, or similar to that the State Management Design, where you have the data in a central object alongside with accessors/mutators methods to access those property.

Also recently I've discovered the Entity Component System used in game engines development, that use a different approach to store and access the data, or system that use a central Manager class to alter the data instead of have a direct setter method on the object that hold the data.

What I want to ask if there's a list of data design pattern that give a name to those designs, describing how to structure the classes and what benefit/cons. those patterns have. Something like the patterns from the gang of 4, but for data management.

I've tried looking around, but searching "data design pattern" only lead to pattern used to structure the data in databases, and not in c++ classes.

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