vendredi 28 avril 2023

Python object factory repeats constructor arguments multiple times

In writing a python object factory, I'm running into a lot of parameter repetition in the constructors. It feels wrong, like there is a better way to use this pattern. I'm not sure if I should be replacing the parameters with **kwargs or if there is a different design pattern that is more suited to this sort of case.

A simplified example is below. The real code is of course more complicated and you can see more reasons why I'd do it this way, but I think this is a reasonable Minimal Reproducible Example

External to these classes, for the API, the most important factors are species and subspecies. It happens to be that internally, is_salt_water is important and results in a different object, but that's an internal matter.

class Fish:
    def __init__(self, species, sub_species, length, weight):    # Repeating this a lot
        self.species = species
        self.sub_species = sub_species
        self.length = length
        self.weight = weight
        self.buoyancy = self.buoyancy()

    def buoyancy(self):
        raise Exception("Do not call this abstract base class directly")

class FreshWaterFish:
    def __init__(self, species, sub_species, length, weight):    # Repeating this a lot
        self.fresh_water = True
        super().__init__(species, sub_species, length, weight)   # Repeating this a lot
    def buoyancy(self):
        self.buoyancy = 3.2 * self.weight   #totally made-up example. No real-world meaning

class SaltWaterFish:
    def __init__(self, species, sub_species, length, weight):    # Repeating this a lot
        self.fresh_water = False
        super().__init__(species, sub_species, length, weight)   # Repeating this a lot

    def buoyancy(self):
        self.buoyancy = 1.25 * self.weight / self.length  #totally made-up example. No real-world meaning

def FishFactory(self, species, sub_species, length, weight, is_salt_water = False): # Repeating this a lot
    mapper = {True : FreshWaterFish, False: SaltWaterFish}
    return mapper[is_salt_water](species, sub_species, length, weight) # Repeating this a lot

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