dimanche 9 avril 2023

Adapting a Latex-Chart design

I would like to create a chart in latex similar to the one in the papers "Automation and new Tasks" (Daron Acemoglu) and "The Rise of Robots in China" (Hong Cheng), but I have problems adapting the design.

Attached is my sample code. How can I adapt it so that it looks like this? Does anyone have any ideas?


This is the disgn of the chart i want to adapt




        \begin{axis}[            xlabel={Year},            ylabel={Robot Density},            xmin=2003, xmax=2017,            ymin=0, ymax=50,            xtick={2003,2005,2007,2009,2011,2013,2015,2017},            ytick={0,10,20,30,40,50},            legend pos=north west,            ymajorgrids=true,            grid style=dashed,        ]
        \addplot[            color=blue,            mark=square,            ]
            coordinates {
            (2003, 0.03)(2005, 0.14)(2007, 0.61)(2009, 2.32)(2011, 7.45)(2013, 17.24)(2015, 33.25)(2017, 49.34)
        \addlegendentry{Robot Density}
    \caption{Robot Density in China (2003-2017)}


I have tried to find a solution through ChatGPT and Google, however I don't know what specifically to look for.

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