dimanche 19 février 2023

Is using Abstract classes to map common JSON fields a bad practice?

I'm implementing some input data validators in my app and I ended up with an Abstract class containing common props that are mapped to JSON. I also created abstract and virtual methods to force derived classes to always keep the same validation algorithm pattern. I have not followed any Design Pattern and because of it I would like to know your opinion about my code.

My abstract class is something like that:

public abstract class DataValidation
  public string CleanedInput => _cleanedInput;

  public bool IsValid => _isValid;

  protected string _cleanedInput;
  private bool _isValid;

  public DataValidation(string input)
    _cleanedInput = CleanInput(input);
    _isValid = ValidateInput(_cleanedInput);

  protected abstract bool ValidateData(string cleanedInput);  
  protected virtual string CleanInput(string input) => input.Trim();

And some derived classes where I perform validations like birth date or documents format:

public sealed class ClassA : DataValidation
    public ClassA(string input) : base(input)
    protected override bool ValidateData(string input)
      // ... Logic to validate input. 
      // Returns true as an example.

      return true;

And another class that overrides CleanInput method and returns invalid validation:

public sealed class ClassB : DataValidation
    public ClassB(string input) : base(input)

    protected override string CleanInput(string input) =>
      return input.Trim().Replace(".", "").Replace("-", "");
    protected override bool ValidateData(string input)
      // ... Logic to validate input. 
      // Returns false as an example.

      return false;

Finally, I serialize these objects and have a json like that:

// ClassA
  "cleaned": "inputA_cleaned",
  "isValid": true

// ClassB
  "cleaned": "inputB_cleaned",
  "isValid": false

What I did is considered to be a good or bad practice?

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