lundi 31 janvier 2022

How to avoid prop drilling in Atomic design?

I recently got a new project. The project used Atomic design but the developer that worked on the project begore didn't follow the rule exactly. Molecules and organisms have a logic with API(axios). In the design, They have to do their features with props, right?

So I decided to seperate the logics that they're using. While working it, I got a curiosity. Components that made with the Atomic design are really clean. I know that but how about a prop drilling?

Pages pass props to organisms.
Organisms pass props to molecules and atoms.
Molecules pass propd to atoms.

Context API came out for solving this problem, but this isn't along with Atomic design.

Do I misunderdtand a concept of the design?

How do you guys avoid a prop drilling in Atomic design? Do I have to work with it?

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