samedi 30 octobre 2021

Values problem on Axis Y on Ripley's K Function

I'm new on this site, so I hope I make the question in a good way haha. The problem is the following. I'm trying to apply Ripley's K Function to a point pattern. The main problem is that in axis Y, values are too high. Points are cultural centers (where people do artistic activities). In my data set, there are 306 cultural centers in total. But in Ripley's plot, it appears 2.000.000 points grouped in 200 mts. Sthg imposible. Does anyones know why occurs this error?

Search data set

espacios <- read_sf(" %>% st_transform(crs = 5347)

Build neighborhood

palermo_espacios <- espacios %>% filter(BARRIO == "PALERMO") %>% select(FUNCION_PRINCIPAL, BARRIO, LONGITUD,LATITUD, geometry)

Point pattern

act_ppp_espacios <- as.ppp(st_geometry(palermo_espacios[!st_is_empty(palermo_espacios), ]))

Ripley's K Function

K <- Kest(act_ppp_espacios, correction = "none")


In axis Y we should get values from 0 to 306, which is the total values of my data set. Instead there are values from 0 to 4.000.000

Plz help! =)

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