jeudi 15 juillet 2021

How to properly add dependecy of entity class to other classes and reduce coupling

I was reading the dependency inversion principle. It states that the module should be dependent on abstraction. I understand most of the parts, and I can apply them. There is one place where there is confusion.

Whenever we call a dependent class method. We sometimes pass parameter as an object. And this object needs to be instantiated and pass as parameter


public class Entity
    public string Prop1 {get; set;}
    public string Prop2 {get; set;}


public class ClientClass
    private readonly IDependentClass _dep;
    public ClientClass(IDependentClass dep)
         _dep = dep;
    public void Method()
         var e = new Entity();


public class DependentClass: IDependentClass
    public void Method(Entity e)

Here the Entity class is just a data transfer object. But it has a concrete dependency on ClientClass and DependentClass which violates the DIP. Is my understanding correct? How to fix this?

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