jeudi 22 juillet 2021

Lambda Expressions and Polymorphism (EF Core) how to design this? [duplicate]

Assume the following base class

public abstract class BaseAction : Entity
    public DateTime CreationTime { get; private set; }
    public DateTime? CancellationTime { get; set; }
    public abstract Expression<Func<BaseAction, bool>> GetIdentifierExpression();

and the following attempt at a derived class

public class DerivedAction : BaseAction
    public string Name { get; set; }

    public override Expression<Func<BaseAction, bool>> GetIdentifierExpression()
        ParameterExpression parameterExpression = Expression.Parameter(typeof(DerivedAction));
            Expression.Lambda<Func<DerivedAction, bool>>(
                            Expression.Property(parameterExpression, nameof(CancellationTime))
                            Expression.Property(parameterExpression, nameof(ExecutionTime))
                        Expression.Property(parameterExpression, nameof(Name))

I want to find a way to have a more specific implementation of GetIdentifierExpression in the derived class but the above does not compile since there is no implicit conversion between Expression<Func<DerivedAction, bool>> and Expression<Func<BaseAction, bool>>

The method eventually would get called like so

bool CheckActionIsInDB(BaseAction action)
    using var context = contextFactory.CreateDbContext();
    var set = context.Set<BaseAction>();
    return set.Any(action.GetIdentifierExpression());

Any ideas how to achieve such polymorphism on a method that returns Expressions?

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