jeudi 11 mars 2021

Using a Result class instead of throwing exceptions for business logic

After recently starting a new project I noticed that I'd used Exceptions for all sorts of business logic & data validation. Based on prior experience and the reading I've done, this is not idea. I dont want to cause slowdowns as this code should be performant if possible. I also want to know all of the validation errors before returning an error.

The way I've done it previously is to have a Result class similar to below. Not exact code but you get the gist of it.

class Result<T>
    T Record {get;set;}
    ICollection<string> Errors {get;set;}
    bool Result {get;set;}

Is there a better way to be doing this? I started looking into Validation or Notification design patterns and it seemed to me to be overly complex for something as simple as basic as checking one value against another.

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