vendredi 12 mars 2021

Typescript: event source and ddd

Hello I am studying about event source and I have difficulty in how to structure the pattern with typescript.

Domain entity:

export class User implements IState {
  index: number;
  public readonly name: string;
  public readonly email: string;

  private constructor (name: Name, email: Email) { = name.value = email.value
  static create(
    dto: UserStruct
  ): Either<InvalidNameError | InvalidEmailError, User> {
    const name: Either<InvalidNameError, Name> = Name.create(;
    const email: Either<InvalidEmailError, Email> = Email.create(;
    if (name.isLeft()) return left(name.value);
    if (email.isLeft()) return left(email.value);
    const user = new User(name.value, email.value);
    return right(user);


export interface ICommand {
    id: string;
    date: Date;

export interface ICreateUserCommand extends ICommand{
  state: UserStruct

export class CreateUserCommand implements ICreateUserCommand {
  public readonly id: string;
  public readonly date: Date;
  public readonly state: UserStruct;
  constructor({id,date,state}: ICreateUserCommand){ = id; = date;
    this.state = state;


export interface IEvent {
    id: string;
    date: Date;
export interface IUserCreatedEvent extends IEvent {
  name: string
  email: string

export class UserCreated implements IUserCreatedEvent {
  public readonly id: string;
  public readonly date: Date;
  public readonly name: string;
  public readonly email: string;
  constructor({date,state,id}:ICreateUserCommand){ = id = date = =

But I have a question about how I call this command in my service, who would be responsible for creating the user instance so that I can save the user state and the event in my database. I should in my static method of the User: User.create class and then I create my user instance? or should i create this instance at the event?

export class CreateUserService {
  constructor(private commandHandler:CreateUserCommandHandler){}
  async execute(dto: UserStruct){
    const user = User.create(dto)
    this.commandHandler.execute(new CreateUserCommand(her usr instance ???))


responsible for calling the function to change the current state of the entity and commit the event (save the event in an event db) my command handler?

like this:

export class CreateUserCommandHandler extends ICreateUserCommandHandler {
  async execute(command: ICreateUserCommand): Promise<IUserCreatedEvent> {
    console.log(`Aync creating user`);
    const { state } = command;
    const user = User.create(state);
    if(user.isLeft()) throw new Error(`Invalid User`);
    // her i change state from user and it is ok commit my event?

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