jeudi 11 mars 2021

Is Java Design jFrame form useless?

I'm starting a great project for my faculty for the end of my studies, with many items (JPanel, JButton, JLabell,...etc) and I'm using Design mod from JFrame form, but I don't know if I will create a serious project with this form of making code. It isn't same as Android, so after draw a button with dimension, restriction etc, I don't see anything in Source cod of the file. In source code appear only "private javax.swing.Box.JButton JButton1". But if I want manually edit the button in source code it's not possible, for example to setSize() or another operation. Another problem is automatic scaling of items. I have a head ache with scaling of this items. Grouplayout is more easy, you enter horizontally/vertically items and gaps. Can somebody explain me if it's worth to loose my time with this kind of making project, or it's better to start coding manually, with classes, Layouts, JFrame, JPanel, etc.........

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