jeudi 11 mars 2021

How to make a generic fragment that will have one of navGraphViewModels according to parameter

  • I have a common fragment which is used by 3 different navgraph. this fragment has 3 different navGraphViewModels but using only one of them whereever it is called from using their fragment id's It is not a good design . I need to make this fragment more generic
  • I am implementing these 3 navGraphViewModels and 2 of them are unnecessery.(becouse you cannot declare withaout instantiating those navGraphViewModels.) Please any good architect or a program designer can find a solution for me .

    class CommonFragment: BaseFragment<CommonFragmentBinding>() {
        //todo should be implemented more generic
        private val bookSharedViewModel: BookSharedViewModel by navGraphViewModels(
        private val tripSharedViewModel: TripsSharedViewModel by navGraphViewModels(
        private val homeSharedViewModel: HomeSharedViewModel by navGraphViewModels(
        private val viewModel: CommonFragmentViewModel by viewModels()
        private var label: String? = null
        override fun inflateBinding(
                inflater: LayoutInflater,
                container: ViewGroup?
        ): CommonFragmentBinding =
        override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
            label = findNavController().previousBackStackEntry?.destination?.displayName
            viewModel.editTripModel = getFromSharedModel()
        private fun getFromSharedModel() = when (label) {
            "${BuildConfig.APPLICATION_ID}:id/bookFragment" -> bookSharedViewModel.editTripModel
            "${BuildConfig.APPLICATION_ID}:id/tripEditFragment" -> tripSharedViewModel.editTripModel
            "${BuildConfig.APPLICATION_ID}:id/homeEditFragment" -> homeSharedViewModel.editTripModel
            else -> null

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