mardi 9 mars 2021

Better design in order to avoid violating Liskov Substitution principle

I am running into an issue with Liskov Substitution Principle and am not quite sure what would be the best way to go around it.

Code in question

class BaseModel:
    def run(self, base_model_input: BaseModelInput) -> BaseModelOutput:
        """Throws NotImplemented or @abstractmethod"""

class SpecificModel(BaseModel):
    def run(self, specific_input: SpecificModelInput) -> SpecificModelOutput:
        # do things...

I understand well why is this not a great code, and why it violates the Liskov Substitution Principle. I am wondering how to design my system better to avoid this problem in the first place.

Fundamentally I have a BaseModel class that acts like an interface, providing some methods like run that the extending classes must implement. But extending classes also deal with specific input/output, that are also extensions of the base input/output classes (that is SpecificModelInput inherits from BaseModelInput and adds some fields and functionality, same with output)

What would be a better approach here?

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