vendredi 12 mars 2021

Best approach to avoid repetitive database connection in Object Oriented Programming

Here is the sample code in Python.


class MyApp(object):
      def __init__(self):
         self.instance = None


    def connect(self):
        if self.instance is None:
            print('Connecting to DB...')
            self.instance = 1 # Assume connected
        return self.instance


from sample import MyApp
from B import again

a = MyApp()


from sample import MyApp

def again():
    b = MyApp()

Wouldn't like to call the connect() method explicitly by MyApp().connect(), so that added in __init__ method itsef. (Please do advice if any better approach is available, Is __new__() will be helpful in this context?)


>> python
Connecting to DB...
Connecting to DB...


>> python
Connecting to DB...

I don't want to create an instance again and again. Any suggestion/advise would be grateful. Thanks,

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