lundi 9 novembre 2020

In C#, how to create a program for a UML Class Diagram that implements the Composite design pattern?

I want to learn more about design patterns and how they are used in UML Class Diagrams. I found a site that has tons of information about this topic.

One of the design patterns I want to learn more is the Composite Design Pattern. In the website, there is an example of it being used. There was a given UML Class Diagram and a code, but its not in proper format which has a lot of errors.

This is the UML Class Diagram:

UML Class Diagram

This is the code found in the website:

// The component interface declares common operations for both
// simple and complex objects of a composition.
interface Graphic is
    method move(x, y)
    method draw()

// The leaf class represents end objects of a composition. A
// leaf object can't have any sub-objects. Usually, it's leaf
// objects that do the actual work, while composite objects only
// delegate to their sub-components.
class Dot implements Graphic is
   field x, y

   constructor Dot(x, y) { ... }

   method move(x, y) is
       this.x += x, this.y += y

   method draw() is
       // Draw a dot at X and Y.

// All component classes can extend other components.
class Circle extends Dot is
  field radius

  constructor Circle(x, y, radius) { ... }

  method draw() is
       // Draw a circle at X and Y with radius R.

// The composite class represents complex components that may
// have children. Composite objects usually delegate the actual
// work to their children and then "sum up" the result.
class CompoundGraphic implements Graphic is
  field children: array of Graphic

  // A composite object can add or remove other components
  // (both simple or complex) to or from its child list.
  method add(child: Graphic) is
       // Add a child to the array of children.

method remove(child: Graphic) is
    // Remove a child from the array of children.

method move(x, y) is
    foreach (child in children) do
        child.move(x, y)

// A composite executes its primary logic in a particular
// way. It traverses recursively through all its children,
// collecting and summing up their results. Since the
// composite's children pass these calls to their own
// children and so forth, the whole object tree is traversed
// as a result.
method draw() is
    // 1. For each child component:
    //     - Draw the component.
    //     - Update the bounding rectangle.
    // 2. Draw a dashed rectangle using the bounding
    // coordinates.

// The client code works with all the components via their base
// interface. This way the client code can support simple leaf
// components as well as complex composites.
class ImageEditor is
   field all: array of Graphic

   method load() is
       all = new CompoundGraphic()
       all.add(new Dot(1, 2))
       all.add(new Circle(5, 3, 10))
       // ...

   // Combine selected components into one complex composite
   // component.
   method groupSelected(components: array of Graphic) is
       group = new CompoundGraphic()
       foreach (component in components) do
       // All components will be drawn.

I hope someone can fix the code and help me understand how to do this kind of program.

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