mardi 24 novembre 2020

Unity data models

I want to make 2d multiplayer board game. What is the proper way to store data on the client side? I have a user, user has an arbitrary amount of wallets and groups he is in. A group has list of all members. A member has own information. I do not need to store serialised data on client. All data will be requested from server on signing in. I have many MonoBehaviours that refers to certain user's field (each wallet, id, name, list of groups he is in, each group name, status, member etc.). How to manage all this data?

I am looking forward to ScriptableObject, but in the end I will have 1 huge UserSO. And when I will want to Wallet.prefab to display certain balance, I will need to store UserSO ref in it.

Could you give me some advice? Thanks.

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