mardi 14 avril 2020

Swift: Is there some cons to decorate View in declarative way?

I have presenter with some functions that add some UI elements on view, like this:

// Parent presenter

            .setTeamStatistic(team: teamDetails)?
            .setTeamRecentMatches(matches: teamDetails.recentMatches)?
            .setTeamUpcomingMatches(matches: teamDetails.recentMatches)?


// Presenter that we decorate (StatisticPresenter)

func setTeamStatistic(team: TeamDetails) -> StatisticPresenter {
// Creating and setup table view with data, adding table view in stackview etc...

return self

func thinSeperator() -> StatisticPresenter {
// Creating seperator view and adding it to stackview...

return self

Summary question: can I use this approach to creating views with my presenter. And if you know some cons and pros, I'll be happy to hear them.

Thank you for your ideas!

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