dimanche 19 avril 2020

Pluggable Adapter as mentioned in the GOF

The related Posts on Stackover flow for this topic : Post_1 and Post_2

Above posts are good but still I could not get answer to my confusion, hence I am putting it as a new post here.
MY Questions based on the GOF's Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software book content about Pluggable Adapters (mentioned after questions below), hence I would appreciate if the discussions/answers/comments are more focused on the existing examples from GOF regarding the pluggable Adapters rather than other examples

Q1) What do we mean by built-in interface adaptation ?
Q2) How is Pluggable Interface special as compared to usual Adapters ? Usual Adapters also adapt one interface to another.
Q3) Even in the both the use cases, we see both the methods of the Extracted "Narrow Interface" GetChildren(Node) and CreateGraphicNode(Node)depending on Node. Node is an internal to Toolkit. Is Node same as GraphicNode and is the parameter passed in CreateGraphicNode only for populating the states like (name, parentID, etc) of an already created Node object ?

As per the GOF (I have marked few words/sentences as bold to emphasis the content related to my Questions)

ObjectWorks\Smalltalk [Par90] uses the term pluggable adapter to describe classes with built-in interface adaptation.

Consider a TreeDisplay widget that can display tree structures graphically. If this were a special-purpose widget for use in just one application, then we might require the objects that it displays to have a specific interface; that is, all must descend from a Tree abstract class. But if we wanted to make TreeDisplay more reusable (say we wanted to make it part of a toolkit of useful widgets), then that requirement would be unreasonable. Applications will define their own classes for tree structures. They shouldn't be forced to use our Tree abstract class. Different tree structures will have different interfaces.

...find a "narrow" interface for Adaptee, that is, the smallest subset of operations that lets us do the adaptation. A narrow interface consisting of only a couple of operations is easier to adapt than an interface with dozens of operations. For TreeDisplay, the adaptee is any hierarchical structure. A minimalist interface might include two operations, one that defines how to present a node in the hierarchical structure graphically, and another that retrieves the node's children.

Then there are two use cases

  1. "Narrow Interface" being made as abstract and part of the TreeDisplay Class enter image description here

  2. Narrow Interface extracted out as a separate interface and having a composition of it in the TreeDisplay class enter image description here

(There is a 3rd approach of Parameterized adapter also but skipping it for simplicity)

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