samedi 11 avril 2020

make a generic js file to be used across all views

So there is a script I wrote in each view to show notification status according to a specific result. I want to make it in a single js file and then just call it in each view. the problem is @TempData can't be read in the js file or to be clear outside the .cshtml files. So what should I do to avoid this redundancy?


     $(function () {

     var msg = "@(TempData["error"] as string)";
        if (msg !== "") {

            toastr.options = {

                "positionClass": "toast-bottom-right"



     var msg = "@(TempData["success"] as string)";
        if (msg !== "") {

            toastr.options = {

                "positionClass": "toast-bottom-right"



     var msg = "@(TempData["warning"] as string)";
        if (msg !== "") {

            toastr.options = {

                "positionClass": "toast-bottom-right"



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