mardi 14 avril 2020

Is there a design pattern to achieve runtime polymorphism without using dynamic cast for this scenario?

Let's say I have a class structure where parent class P stores a vector of pointers to child objects of class C.

class P {




private :

vector<C*> children;


Also, child class C is a base class and D,E are derived classes of C.
D and E have some unique member variables.

class C {


C() {


virtual ~C() {


virtual initialize() = 0;


class D : public C {


initialize() override;

//Member variable unique to D
int value;


class E: public C {


initialize() override;

//Member variable unique to E
vector<int> vector_value;


At runtime, objects of C and D are created and added to parent P's children vector.

At a later time I want to iterate over this vector, determine the object type and use the child's unique member variable.

I know I can achieve this by using a dynamic cast :

for( C* child : children)
   D* d_child = dynamic_cast<D*>(child);
   if( d_child != nullptr)
      // This object is of type D 
      do something with  d_child->value ...
      // This object is of type E
       do something with  d_child->vector_value...

However, it is a bad design when we have to check types as iterated by many answers here Check for derived type (C++)

So I want to know if there is a standard way or a design pattern that will help me achieve this functionality in a better manner ?

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