vendredi 17 avril 2020

Design pattern - Is this a good way to use the command pattern?

I have a java class SearchFilterWebPage which represents a web page for an online shopping website. All of its (filter) methods allow you to set a filter, just like you would on a real shopping website. For example enterPriceRange(min, max), selectBrandsFilter(String...brands), and selectFreeShippingOnlyFilter(). The below code is very simple and only prints messages.

I made a function applyMultipleFilters(FilterCommand [] functions) which allows you to call any number of filter functions of SearchFilterWebPage class. Each filter function is represented by an instance of FilterCommand, i.e. the command pattern. For example, enterPriceRange(min, max), and selectBrandsFilter(String...brands) are represented by EnterPriceRangeFilter and SelectBrandsFilter classes respectively.

Basically, I made a class to represent each filter function. Can someone please tell me if this is a good idea ? Is there any other way besides reflection and the command pattern to implement applyMultipleFilters(...) ?

Class with main method :

public class SearchFilterWebPage {

    public void enterPriceRangeFilter(int min, int max){

    public void selectBrandsFilter(String...brands){

    public void selectFreeShippingOnlyFilter(){

    //NOTE - Add 5 or more functions like the above ones !!!

    public static void main(String [] main){
        SearchFilterWebPage search = new SearchFilterWebPage();

        FilterCommand [] filters = {
                new EnterPriceRangeFilter(search, 50, 100),
                new SelectBrandsFilter(search, "Adidash", "Nikki", "Pooma")

    public void applyMultipleFilters(FilterCommand [] functions){
        for(FilterCommand fun : functions){


>>> EXECUTING : enterPriceRangeFilter
>>> EXECUTING : selectBrandsFilter

Supporting code:


   public interface FilterCommand {
       void execute();


   public class EnterPriceRangeFilter implements FilterCommand {
       private final int min;
       private final int max;
       private final SearchFilterWebPage search;

       public EnterPriceRangeFilter(SearchFilterWebPage search, int min, int max) {
  = search;
           this.min = min;
           this.max = max;

       public void execute() {
           //Use min, max.
           System.out.print(">>> EXECUTING : " );
           search.enterPriceRangeFilter(min, max);


   public class SelectBrandsFilter implements FilterCommand {
       private final String [] brands;
       private final SearchFilterWebPage search;

       public SelectBrandsFilter(SearchFilterWebPage search, String...brands) {
  = search;
           this.brands = brands;

       public void execute() {
           //Use brands.
           System.out.print(">>> EXECUTING : ");

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