jeudi 16 avril 2020

CS Theory solution outside of Binary: True or False, Zero or One

I was reading this article about Linux FHS and APIs and at this point I finally felt it was helpful to share a working theory I had.

Among artificial intelligence, machine learning, and data science, APIs and SDKs are two evolutions I have recently noticed increasing in popularity. These keywords benchmark industry timelines and accomplishments. A combination of web research, work experience, Harvard curriculum, and Linux certifications has led me to mention the following.

APIs are a representation or logical extension of the Linux FHS. While reflecting on file structures, you might also conclude this perspective can well be abstracted to SQL schemas, queries, and common CS algorithms. We might take a similar approach and theorize upon the traditional programming constructs. All for all, for loops, if statements, and/or operators, dictionaries, key/value pairs, and arrays are all really similar iterations of the same thing? Another encapsulation of True or False? A conclusion of zero or one?

Let’s go a step further, can this theory be applied to natural languages as well? For every question you ask or for every thought you think is the response either true or false, has another thought occurred or has an answer been provided? Let’s define True as either of those options, else the solution is False.

Can you find an answer outside or yes or no, true or false, zero or one? Is computer science a representation or an evolution of mathematics?

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