lundi 3 février 2020

File content validation - Spring best practice

I'm kinda new in Spring and we start to use Spring framework at work.

We're working on a self-service installation website that performs these steps: accept file, parse, store locally, "install"(via running a Linux shell script).

My controller accepts the file and I'm using a validator to check if the file is empty and the type of content, then I extract from the file the fields that I need to validate against my DB, meaning let's say I extracted the server name from the text file, I need to validate if the server name exists in the DB.

My question is the following:

What is the best practice to handle file content validation?

  1. Put all checks in the FileValidator that already checks if the file is empty, etc.
  2. Put the checks in the service class that I wrote to extract the file content.
  3. use custom annotation validation on my VO

Should the file content validation be in the service layer with the extraction functions?

In another topic:

I wrote 2 service classes to extract the file content (e.g ServerExtractService & ModeExtractService), I used services since I'm accessing repositories, should I use a utility class instead?

Thanks in advance.

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