vendredi 21 février 2020

Transposing lines where no. of lines and length is dependent on a list

I am trying to generate two sets of string images. 1st.

% % % 
% % % % % 
% % 


% %
% % %
% % % %

Note that the 2nd image is the same as the 1st image, just rotated counter-clockwise.

The number of lines and length of each line in the 1st image is based on a list, which can be of any length and consist of strictly positive numbers. In this example, our list is:

list = [3, 5, 2, 1]

I am having some trouble getting the 2nd image. For the first image, I have made use of the following function:

for e in list:
  print(int(e) * '% '

Which seems to work. I am just not sure how to go about the 2nd image. I have some ideas around producing each row where I can find the highest element in list, find its index (in this example list[1]), and then incorporate " " on either side, depending on its distance to the beginning of the list and the end and going from there, but I am just not sure.

Any advice would be appreciated.


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