dimanche 23 février 2020

Rule Engine For Reconcilation

Feature to compare the two documents of customer data maintained at respective service end VS the document maintained at Business/Customer end.

Output will provide reconciled document(amount difference between files) with flag for actions

Proposed Solution :

There will be a System which can take these two document Such that

  1. Mapping of two file input parameter(column in each document)
  2. Validation Of input files
  3. A rule Engine will receive these two input document files and provide a delta(amount difference) after reconciliation

Note : Input combination may vary as per business need Rule Engine can adapt both input with such combination

Customer Data vs Service Data

  1. File(manual) Excel vs File(manual) Excel
  2. File(manual) Excel vs APIs to send customer maintained data in DB
  3. APIs to get customer data and APIs to send data for comparison vs APIs to send customer maintained data stored in DB

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