vendredi 31 janvier 2020

Springboot external api call request and response capture in database

From my backend application(springboot, java8) i will make multiple external api call's. I have a requirement to log all the requests and response data's (including headers, request and response body) into database(MongoDB).

Below is my sample code, this how i am trying to capture request and responses on each external api calls. On exception i will store status as 'FAILED'.

In my project multiple modules will be added on new 3rd party api integration, so in each module for every different external api calls i have to capture all the requests and reponses like this. I am not satisfied with below approach. Kindly suggest best approach to solve this.

Sample Service layer method

public ResponseDTOFromExternalApi externalApiCallServiceMethod(String clientId, RequestDTO requestDTO) {

        ExternalApiCallRequestObj externalApiCallRequestObj = prepareExternalApiRequestObjFromRequestDTO(requestDTO);
        ApiCall apiCall = ApiCall.builder()

        apiCall =;

        ExternalApiCallReponseObj externalApiCallReponseObj = externalApiCallService.callExternalApi1(externalApiCallRequestObj);

        apiCall = apiCallRepository.findById(apiCall.getId());


        return toDTO(externalApiCallReponseObj);

Sample Domain for api calls

public class ApiCall {

    private String id;

    private String clientId;

    private String status;

    private Object requestPayload;

    private Object responsePayload;


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