mercredi 29 janvier 2020

Designing Validator for validating the data

I am trying to design validator which will validate the rules configured in config file and if any of the rules satisfied, we need to block that data.

public class AllMatchDemo {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        Map<String,Object> dataMap = new HashMap<>();
        dataMap.put("Date1", new Date());
        dataMap.put("Long", new Long(100));
        dataMap.put("Integer", new Integer(10));

        String message = new String();
        List<Validator> validators = Arrays.asList(new RegexValidator(),new DateIsBeforeTodayValidator ());

        boolean result = -> validator.validate(dataMap,message));
        System.out.println("Result :"+result);

public interface Validator {
    boolean validate(Map<String,String> dataMap,String message);

Following are implementors :

public class DateIsBeforeTodayValidator implements Validator {

    String dateFieldToBeCompared;

    public boolean validate(Map<String,String> dataMap, String message) {


    public void setDateFieldToBeCompared(String dateFieldToBeCompared) {
        this.dateFieldToBeCompared = dateFieldToBeCompared;
public class RegexValidator implements Validator {

    public boolean validate(IPublishable publishable) {
                      //validation Logic here based on match                    


Initially I started with RegexValidator without any Validator and later on requirement kept on increasing and I have to compare dates too so I created Validator interface and provided above 2 implementations. In future many other implementations would be needed like date1 compare to date2 , date less than, number greater than etc.

Is there any other better way to handle design so that it can be scalable in future ?

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