I've start implement the undo&redo via the Memento Pattern, my progress till now are those:
from Class Controller, function RGB(...):
void Controller::rgb(int exp, double cont, int r, int g, int b){
originator->setValue(exp, originator->exposure_Val);
originator->setValue(cont, originator->contrast_Val);
originator->setValue(r, originator->red_Val);
originator->setValue(g, originator->green_Val);
originator->setValue(b, originator->blue_Val);
RGB_process run(model->src, model->dst, exp, cont, r, g, b);
model->setValue(exp, cont, r, g, b);
void Model::setValue(...):
....code that sets values...
notify(); //notify observer, and update the view
then from my view, on_undo_btn(...):
void MainWindow::on_undo_btn_clicked()
My problem is: every time I press on the "undo" btn, as it updates the sliders values, my Memento will be re-recorded as the controller is triggered, so that I got 2 equal states of my momentum. Now, this is not bad at all, as I would like to implement a "redo" also, so my thought was to Push this "duplicate" in front of my actual state, in order to be able to go "back from the undo". How can I implement such a condition? Is better to change approach and record my Memento States everywhere else?
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