vendredi 29 septembre 2017

Do I need to visitor pattern in my design

I am working on designing html parser for study purpose. Where I am first creating a overall design.

Data structure to store html element.

Base : HtmlBaseElement

Derived : HTMLElement, PElement, HtagElemement, ImgElement, BodyElement, StrongElement

Basically I will create derived class for each type of element in html.

I need to write this html file back to a file and allow user to add element in already parsed html file.

This is what I am thinking :

First Approach:

  1. Create a BaseVisitor which is having visit function for each type of element.

  2. Create a Derived Visitor Class WriteHtmlVisitor to write whole file which will visit each element in HTML datastructure.

Second Approach:

I can also use a class WriteHtmlFile , having object of HTMLElement and then write this using getter of all elements.

Which is best way to write html file and adding new elements in file.

I am just looking for suggestion, as this is in design phase.


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