lundi 26 juin 2017

Javascript 'Workflow Control'?

As I learn JS and design my self-study projects (SPAs mostly), I attempt to make sure I maintain separation of concerns and ensure each snippet of code that I write controls/does one thing.

Take the following example:

  1. I have a quiz application that presents questions, one at a time, to a user.
  2. The quiz has a 'Next' button, which calls a next() function.
  3. The next() function handles increasing the question index and retrieving the next question from the data source.
  4. Before I execute next(), I want to make sure the user gave a valid respnose - so I want to call a validate() function first; responsible for making sure the user input is valid.

In the above example, is it best practice to call validate() within my next() function, before it in sequence, or do I wrap both statements in a separate function and label it as a 'workflow'? This is greatly simplified, of course.

More broadly, is there a name for this topic? Perhaps something I can Google? 'Flow control' comes to mind, but when I Google that, the only thing that comes up are If statements, While loops, and basic control structures of the language itself. I'm looking for something more meta. Ironically, 'Design-patterns' seems to be too broad. Is there something in between?

Thank you in advance.

-Novice JS self-learner

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