lundi 29 mai 2017

PHP MVC Config class as dependency or with just class constants, accessible from overall?

In my MVC project (PHP 7.1) I have a Config class and a multitude of config files, each of them looking like this:

return [
    'web' => [
        'host' => 'localhost',

At the app entry point I make an instance of the Config class and load all config file arrays in it. The created object is then passed as constructor argument in all classes that needs it:

class AbstractView {

    private $config;

    public function __construct(Config $config) {
        $this->config = $config;

    private function prepareContext() {
        $this->assign('appHost', $this->getConfig()->get('web/host'));


Because it's quite a "big effort" to pass the Config object quite overall in my app, I thought of implementing aConfig` class with only class constants in it, like:

class Config {

    const WEB_PROTOCOL = 'http';
    const WEB_HOST = 'localhost';


and access them from overall directly with

class AbstractView {

    private function prepareContext() {
        $this->assign('appHost', Config::WEB_HOST);


I wanted to ask: Is this a really good alternative, having in mind that I want to completely avoid static states in my app? Is this alternative a "static" one or absolute not? What about testability (I don't have any experience with it yet)?

Thank you very much.

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