dimanche 28 mai 2017

Architecture: Dependency Injection, Loosely Coupled Assemblies, Implementation Hiding

I've been working on a personal project which, beyond just making something useful for myself, I've tried to use as a way to continue finding and learning architectural lessons. One such lesson has appeared like a Kodiak bear in the middle of a bike path and I've been struggling quite mightily with it.

The problem is essentially an amalgam of issues at the intersection of dependency injection, assembly decoupling and implementation hiding (that is, implementing my public interfaces using internal classes).

At my jobs, I've typically found that various layers of an application hold their own interfaces which they publicly expose, but internally implement. Each assembly's DI code registers the internal class to the public interface. This technique prevents outside assemblies from newing-up an instance of the implementation class. However, some books I've been reading while building this solution have spoken against this. The main things that conflict with my previous thinking have to do with the DI composition root and where one should keep the interfaces for a given implementation. If I move dependency registration to a single, global composition root (as Mark Seemann suggests), then I can get away from each assembly having to run its own dependency registrations. However, the downside is that the implementation classes have to be public (allowing any assembly to instantiate them). As for decoupling assemblies, Martin Fowler instructs to put interfaces in the project with the code that uses the interface, not the one that implements it. As an example, here is a diagram he provided, and, for contrast, a diagram for how I would normally implement the same solution (okay, these aren't quite the same; kindly focus on the arrows and notice when implementation arrows cross assembly boundaries instead of composition arrows).

Martin Style

Martin Style

What I've normally seen

Not Martin Style

I immediately saw the advantage in Martin's diagram, that it allows the lower assemblies to be swapped out for another, given that it has a class that implements the interface in the layer above it. However, I also saw this seemingly major disadvantage: If you want to swap out the assembly from an upper layer, you essentially "steal" the interface away that the lower layer is implementing.

After thinking about it for a little bit, I decided the best way to be fully decoupled in both directions would be to have the interfaces that specify the contract between layers in their own assemblies. Consider this updated diagram:

Proxy Style

Is this nutty? Is it right on? To me, it seems like this solves the problem of interface segregation. It doesn't, however, solve the problem of not being able to hide the implementation class as internal. Is there anything reasonable that can be done there? Should I not be worried about this?

One solution that I'm toying around with in my head is to have each layer implement the proxy layer's interface twice; once with a public class and once with an internal class. This way, the public class could merely wrap/decorate the internal class, like this:

Proxy and Decorator Style!

Some code might look like this:

namespace MechanismProxy // Simulates Mechanism Proxy Assembly
    public interface IMechanism
        void DoStuff();

namespace MechanismImpl // Simulates Mechanism Assembly
    using MechanismProxy;

    // This class would be registered to IMechanism in the DI container
    public class Mechanism : IMechanism
        private readonly IMechanism _internalMechanism = new InternalMechanism();

        public void DoStuff()

    internal class InternalMechanism : IMechanism
        public void DoStuff()
            // Do whatever

... of course, I'd still have to address some issues regarding constructor injection and passing the dependencies injected into the public class to the internal one. There's also the problem that outside assemblies could possibly new-up the public Mechanism... I would need a way to ensure only the DI container can do that... I suppose if I could figure that out, I wouldn't even need the internal version. Anyway, if anyone can help me understand how to overcome these architectural problems, it would be mightily appreciated.

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