mercredi 20 juillet 2016

Composite design pattern: how to pass results from one component into another?

I have the following code:

interface IService
    void Execute();

class ServiceA : IService
    public void Execute() { ... }

class ServiceB : IService
    public void Execute() { ... }

class ServiceComposite : IService
    List<IService> _services = new List<IService>();

    public ServiceComposite()
        _services.Add(new ServiceA());
        _services.Add(new ServiceB());

    public void Execute()
        foreach (IService service in _services)

The problem is that ServiceB depends on some results from ServiceA. My idea is to create container class for storing the results, then inject it into both ServiceA and ServiceB:

class ServiceResults
    public string SomeProperty {get; set;}

public ServiceComposite()
    ServiceResults result = new ServiceResults();
    _services.Add(new ServiceA(result));
    _services.Add(new ServiceB(result));

I am wondering if it is the best possible way to solve the problem. Maybe it breaks some principles or rules of which I don't know, or is simply "code smell". What are the better ways to do this?

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