lundi 25 juillet 2016

Recently implementing Command Patterns for my UNITY2D game, is this efficient enough? And what's the concrete benefit of it?

So today I am learning and implementing Command Patterns for handling input and movement for object.

So my question is:

  1. Am I getting the implementation of Command Patterns right?, or do I need to modify it? If so, can somebody give me a little example on to improve it..
  2. I know that it improves code reusability.. But what difference does it make when I just use a simple MovementScript.cs to my game object component? Wouldn't it just be the same and took less time to write rather making a whole Command Pattern?

EDIT: The one i attached to the gameobject is only the InputHandler.

Here's my code which involves moving an object:

This is my Input Handler or as far as i know as The Client

public class InputHandler : MonoBehaviour
GameObject theObject;
public Command buttonA, buttonD;
public float acceleration, maxSpeed;

Movement moves;

void Awake()
    theObject = gameObject;
    moves = new Movement(theObject, acceleration, maxSpeed);

void Start()
    buttonA = new MoveLeft(moves);
    buttonD = new MoveRight(moves);

void Update()

public void HandleInput()
    if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.A))
    else if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.D))

The Command abstract class

public abstract class Command

//The Receiver of the command..
protected IReceiver receiver = null;

public Command(IReceiver receiver)
    this.receiver = receiver;

public abstract void Execute();

The Receiver class (where i implements the logics, which is the movement)

public class Movement : IReceiver
public ACTION_LIST currentMoves;
private GameObject theObject;
private float acceleration;
private float maxspeed;

public Movement(GameObject theObject, float acceleration, float maxspeed)
    this.theObject = theObject;
    this.acceleration = acceleration;
    this.maxspeed = maxspeed;

public void Action(ACTION_LIST moves)
    if (moves == ACTION_LIST.MOVERIGHT)
    else if (moves == ACTION_LIST.MOVELEFT)

public void MoveRight(GameObject obj)
    obj.GetComponent<Rigidbody2D>().AddForce(new Vector2(acceleration, obj.GetComponent<Rigidbody2D>().velocity.y));

public void MoveLeft(GameObject obj)
    obj.GetComponent<Rigidbody2D>().AddForce(new Vector2(-acceleration, obj.GetComponent<Rigidbody2D>().velocity.y));


Interface of receiver, to make things easier..

public enum ACTION_LIST

public interface IReceiver
    void Action(ACTION_LIST moves);

The concrete command, i only posted 1 of the movement..

public class MoveRight : Command
public MoveRight(IReceiver receiver):base(receiver)


public override void Execute()


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