mercredi 2 mars 2016

How to organize pyqt code for an IHM, MV pattern?

My name is Matias, I am a french student, new to this website.

I want to control several power supplies with a computer, therefore I have to make an IHM. I decided to use pyQt5, and I have installed Eric6 IDE on my windows64 computer.

I have read about Qt's MV pattern derivated from the MVC pattern, in this website: It has little examples of a single model using several views (treeView, tableView ...) and explains that the data is stored in a unique place , whereas there are several places where it is showed.

This MV pattern seems to be well designed for Qt user, however I don't see how it has to be used for my project.

I will have a main window whith the values of tension and current generated by each power supply, and also a menubar to select actions such as configure power supplies.

Do you have any advices ? Has anybody already done a similar project and can show me the organization of his code ? I have already done a java project following the MVC pattern, but QT seems to have its own MV pattern with its specificities.

Thank you, Matias

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