mercredi 23 décembre 2020

SQS handle strategy using groupId and threadpool?

I am in process of designing sqs FIFO handling strategy, so trying to do it in right way. Faced with few fundamental questions.

For example i have in queue:

  • 100 messages with groupid "group1_100"
  • 5 messages with "group2_5"
  • 1 message with "group3_1"
  • 1 message with "group4_1"

Example of handle :

I requested 10 messages using longpooling :

1.1) Can i be sure that i'll receive 10 (max of requested) messages pre request on retrieve if there are more, than 10 messages of same group.

1.2) May sqs returns me 7 messages from group1_100, 2 from group2_5 and 1 from group4_1?

if yes :

1.2.1) for example, handling this 7 messages of group1_100 will take 10 seconds. So using thread pool 3 messages from group2_5 and group4_1 already handled in parallel - so i saying to sqs that they were handled so :

1.2.2) making another one request to sqs (to not wait until 7 messages from group1_100 finished). So Is it possible, that i can receive messages from group1_100 (that should be handled after first 7 = in right order)? (assume, that no, because sqs guarantee us that it will be retrieved strongly in right order). Am i right?

In case if 1.2 is "yes" i need to control different "groupid" handle to prevent situation, when my processors will work only for "group1_100" even if they were first from "group/time" point of view, right? To prevent theoretic attack like "we are as a client will send you a lot of messages with one groupId, and you'll need to take us all your handle processors".

  1. So it may happen in case of single thread handling, right?

  2. And may it be resolved by next strategy? :

Making request to get 10 messages -> devide them to n groups (grouping by groupid) and starting handle them in parralel. When all messages from "group" handled - making "batch" notify to sqs about finishing -> in parralel start fetching another one pack of messages to handle (depending on/checking constant total_handling_messages_limit_at_time) and start handle them in same way syncing fetching to not make it too many times per second/minute.

So it will allow us to split handle inside one worker using threadpool, and not to stack with "long running" tasks with "one groupid".

Am i right in general, guys? Maybe i something missing here?

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