jeudi 17 décembre 2020

Is this a correct implementation of the strategy pattern (JAVA, Fly method of ducks)?

I just want a quick lookover that I implemented the different fly strategies correctly.

The program simply consists of a duck class that uses an interface for its fly method. The interface has different implementations (namely SimpleFly and NoFly), and a switch statement chooses the correct method based on the specie enum.

As I understand, the strategy pattern is meant to avoid duplicate code between child classes at the same level, which decreases maintainability and extensibility. So instead we abstract out the related algorithms to interfaces and choose them as needed.


package DesignPatterns;

//Here we will separate the fly method of ducks into implementations of an internface and then instantiate ducks with those attributes

interface IFly {
    public void fly();

//These are called strategies
class SimpleFly implements IFly {

    public void fly() {
        System.out.println("Quack Quack i am flying in the air");

class NoFly implements IFly {
    public void fly() {
        System.out.println("I cannot fly.");

//Now the base class just has to implement one of these strategies
class Duck {
    private IFly flyType;
    public enum SPECIE {
    public Duck(SPECIE specie) {
        switch(specie) {
            //Here just select the algorithms you want to assign to each type of DUCK. More flexible than horizontal code between species.
            case WILD:
            case CITY:
                this.flyType = new SimpleFly();
            case RUBBER:
                this.flyType = new NoFly();
                //If a new enum is defined but no definition yet, this stops code from breaking
                this.flyType = new SimpleFly();
    public void fly() {;

The output is correct as in this example:

        Duck rubberDuck = new Duck(Duck.SPECIE.RUBBER);
        Duck normalDuck = new Duck(Duck.SPECIE.WILD);


I cannot fly.
Quack Quack i am flying in the air

Thank you in advance and please let me know about any gaps in my knowledge, Sshawarma

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