Who can help? I am a beginner in OCaml
, I am trying to perform an action of unpacking sets. Having a set [(1, 4); (2, 5); (3, 6)]
I want to get the exit [(1,2,3), (4,5,6)]
. I am using a script that I tested with Haskell and it worked, but in OCaml
, it does not show the result. Where am I going wrong? I could not figure out where my mistake is. Thx.
let fst num1 num2 =
match num1, num2 with
| (x, y) -> x;;
let snd num1 num2 =
match num1, num2 with
| (x, y) -> y;;
let rec dcp_base list1 list2 list3 =
match list1, list2, list3 with
| (xs, ys, []) -> (xs, ys)
| (xs, ys, z :: zs) -> dcp_base (xs @ [fst z]) (ys @ [snd z]) zs;;
let descompact list =
match list with
| [] -> ([], [])
| xs -> dcp_base [] [] xs;;
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