vendredi 30 mars 2018

Which design pattern a composed object just for proxy purposes relates?

I have my object D which encapsulates different structs(A,B,C in this example). D is mostly for being passed as an parameter to an object called "RealClientInterface". Because D composed of A,B,C which "RealClientInterface" needs to run its functions.

My question if D relates to a design pattern? If it does which design pattern(s) D relates in this case?

Is it a composer since it is being composed of A,B,C? Or it is proxy or builder? Since it is there just as an proxy the real read/write is being done by RealClientInterface?

I need this information for giving a good name to my class D and also documentation purposes.

struct A
    //Some data

struct B 
    //Some data

struct C 
    //Some data

struct D 
   A a;
   B b; 
   C c;

struct RealClientInterface
    void foo ( D& d )
        //reads d.a and inserts d.b

    void foo2 ( D& d )
        //reads d.c and inserts d.b and d.c

    // Many other functions
} ; 

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