vendredi 23 mars 2018

Controlling service flow from the Caller method

Is it correct to control how the service works from the caller of this service? I had such a problem today, and don't know if my solution is good or not. Hope someone more advanced can give me a feedback. Here is my problem:

I have got a service with method Foo:

public class Service
    public int? Foo(int? number, bool throwException)
        int? result = number;

        if (result == null)
              var result = ...
              if (result == null && throwException)
                    throw new Exception("ZZZZ");

        return result

Now in Caller class I got 2 methods where I invoke this Service:

public class Caller
    public void Test1()
        Service.Foo(number, TRUE);

    public void Test2()
        Service.Foo(number, FALSE);

As you can see for Test1 im sending flag throwException TRUE, and for Test2 FALSE, is it good practice to control how the Service's flow go from the Caller's methods?

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