jeudi 22 mars 2018

Reference the constructor caller in the constructor signature (bad pattern ?)

I often bump on problems like the ones in these examples :

The Game class instantiate the class GamePhysics.

But I need to have access to some Game properties inside GamePhysics.

I would say the straightforward design would be to have a GamePhysics(Game game) constructor and call it inside Game class using this.

//Game class code
physics = new GamePhysics(this);

This simple way to solve the problem seams to be poor up to me.

Are there patterns that handle these kind of issues that would be more elaborated ?

Another example (which is the one I am currently bumping on) : Orchestrator class contains a list of ActionBase with different derived classes Action1, Action2... Depending on logics in action methods, Orchestrator must register the action to a new list. Using the instance of Orchestrator referenced inside ActionBase, I could call orch.Register(this) inside ActionBase code.

class Orchestrator
  List<ActionBase> startActions;
  List<ActionBase> registeredActions;

  public void Register(ActionBase action)
    //some custom logic related to orchestrator


  //instantiate actions
  public void CreateStartActions()
     startActions.Add(new Action1(this)); //Do I need to have 'this' ?
     startActions.Add(new Action2(this));
     startActions.Add(new Action1(this));

And :

class ActionBase
  private Orchestrator orch;   

  public ActionBase(Orchstrator orchestrator) //I am unhappy with this signature
    orch = orchestrator;

  //somewhere in the relevant place

It seams odd to me that what is "inside" points towards what contains it. Is there a turnaround ?

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