samedi 19 novembre 2022

What's my mistake on Design Twitter problen on Leetcode?

the problem:

my solutiion:

class Twitter:

    def __init__(self):
        self.tweet_posted = []
        self.follow_users = []

    def postTweet(self, userId: int, tweetId: int) -> None:
        self.tweet_posted.insert(0, [userId, tweetId])

    def getNewsFeed(self, userId: int) -> List[int]:
        #lst = [ls[1] for ls in self.tweet_posted if ls[0] == userId or list([userId, ls[0]]) in self.follow_users]
        lst = []
        for i in self.tweet_posted:
            if list([userId, i[0]]) in self.follow_users or i[0] == userId:
        return lst

    def follow(self, followerId: int, followeeId: int) -> None:
        self.follow_users.append([followerId, followeeId])

    def unfollow(self, followerId: int, followeeId: int) -> None:
        unfollow_user = [followerId, followeeId]
        if unfollow_user in self.follow_users:

No error, but wrong answer by leetcode: enter image description here

it seems that my solution should be right since the function getNewsFeed must contain ALL the tweets of the user...

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