dimanche 20 novembre 2022

Azure Function Isolated: simple way to access ILogger in all classes?

I am using Azure Functions in Isolated mode, .NET 7.

I am able to inject a logger into my functions pretty easily by simpler adding an ILogger to the constructor of my functions and having the logging config setup in host.json file.

I can also inject an ILogger to any class, if I make that class an Interface, and inject the interface in my startup method.

However, I find this cumbersome, as often I don't need an interface, so I am making an Interface just for a single class to implement it, and sometimes I want to instantiate my object with property values, and then the DI won't work in those cases.

Is there a simple way/design pattern that allows me to have a single static or Singleton method Logger.Log("Message") from anywhere in my entire solution?

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